Portfolio Category: Timed Event

Indian Relay

This event is one of the wildest, most colorful events in all of equine sports. This event is a long standing event at powwows and Indian rodeos, the sport of Indian relay racing is a crowd-pleasing spectacle that involves expert horsemanship, teamwork, pageantry and the potential for disaster at every turn. Teams each have their…
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Mixed Team Roping

Team Roping is a true team effort. There are two riders, a header and a healer. The header first ropes the steer head and turns him so that the back legs are turn toward the healer. Then the  healer has to catch the heals with his rope. A five second penalty is applied to the…
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Team Roping

Team roping requires close cooperation and timing between two highly skilled ropers - a header and a heeler - and their horses. The event originated on ranches when cowboys needed to treat or brand large steers and the task proved too difficult for one man. Similar to tie-down ropers and steer wrestlers, team ropers start…
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Steer Wrestling

The objective of the steer wrestler, who is also known as a "bulldogger," is to use strength and technique to wrestle a steer to the ground as quickly as possible. As with tie-down and team ropers, the bulldogger starts on horseback in a box. A breakaway rope barrier is attached to the steer and stretched…
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